In the distant future, star-faring robotic factions sift through the ruins of an ancient civilisation. On the highlands of Tölva, beneath the shadow of abandoned war machines, they found something. Was it the source of the signal you were so interested in? And will the trail lead to enlightenment, or something more sinister? Your allies hijack a drone and you begin the search for yourself. The Signal From Tölva is a journey into a wild science fiction landscape, filled with danger and beauty: you must survive terrible hazards, navigate through impossible spaces, and fight an ongoing battle to control this haunted, blighted world. You will make use of a range of powerful tools to overcome your enemies and uncover secrets: hack robots to battle alongside you, equip powerful weapons and savage defence systems.
The Signal From Tölva is a single-player, first-person, combat and exploration game.
Developer(s) | Big robot ltd |
Released date | 2024 |
Publisher(s) | Big robot ltd |
Mode(s) | Single player |
Average beat time | 6½ Hours |
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