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Buy  Hand of Fate 2

  • Adventure
  • Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
  • Indie
  • Role-playing (RPG)
Released on 2025

Hand of Fate 2 tells the story of the Dealers defeat, return and revenge. As in the original Hand of Fate, adventurers explore a dark fantasy world built from collectible cards distributed by a magical dealer in a meta-board game. Each overturned card reveals trials including third-person combat, high-risk high-reward minigames and Dungeons and Dragons-style decision making.

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Hand of Fate 2 is a dungeon crawler set in a world of dark fantasy. Master a living boardgame where every stage of the adventure is drawn from a deck of legendary encounters chosen by you! Choose wisely - your opponent, the enigmatic Dealer, will pull no punches as he shapes you into the instrument of his revenge. The table has changed, but the stakes remain the same: life or death! KEY GAME FEATURES A world transformed - 100 years have passed since the Dealer was usurped and the Game of Life and Death gained a new master. 22 exciting new challenges that will push your deck-building skills to the limit - Hunt fiendish assassins, reunite star-crossed lovers or build up a fortress to withstand a raider assault! Enlist the aid of all new companion characters - team up with them in battle, or have them bend the rules of the boardgame in your favor! Hundreds of new encounters, artifacts and items to earn and upgrade. Enhanced action-RPG combat - shred foes with quick dual-wielded daggers or brutalize them with heavy two-handed hammers. Build up your combo meter to unleash powerful special attacks! Engage new foes united by all-new card suits - Cross swords with disciplined Imperial soldiers, purge corrupted mutants and fend off northern raiders.

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Game Features

Developer(s) Defiant development
Released date 2025
Publisher(s) Unbroken studios, defiant development
Mode(s) Single player
Classification ESRB Everyone
Average beat time 19½ Hours

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