The game tells the story of Vinnie Cannoli and his mob family, set in the fictional Thugtown circa 1925, the height of prohibition. Beneath the city overrun by zombies, there's a dark story of conspiracy and betrayal. Unravel the sneaky mafia ways and government conspiracy while you try to look for your lost pal and for answers about the zombie-outbreak.
Welcome to Thugtown circa 1920, the height of Prohibition. Prepare yourself for a non-stop, action-packed, completely over-the-top, fast-paced, platform game. Set against the gangster heyday of the roaring twenties. Lose yourself in an exciting, elaborate tale of the underground and underworld. Experience friendship, betrayal, vengeance, and witness first hand the rise and fall of a criminal mastermind. This is survival horror, wiseguy style... Capiche?
Developer(s) | Crazy monkey studios |
Released date | 30 April 2015 |
Publisher(s) | Crazy monkey studios |
Mode(s) | Single player, multiplayer, co-operative |
Theme(s) | Action, horror, comedy |
Classification | ESRB Teen PEGI 16 |
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