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Buy  Discovery: A Seek and Find Adventure

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Released on 29 July 2008


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Break out your magnifying glass and passport—it’s time for Discovery!, the seek-and-find game show with your host, Jerry Landers and the beautiful Jill Summers. Step up to the wheel, and choose today’s adventure! Will it be Spain, China, Australia, or one of three other fabulous international hot spots? Each locale hosts three scenes of play with hundreds of objects to find in each level—more than 1,000 objects in all! Complete a level and spin the wheel to play one of four fabulous mini-games: PriceTag Challenge, Blizzard Bucks, Scene Match Safari or Trivia Takeoff! Enjoy the sights, sounds and hidden-object adventures around the globe and across the U.S. when you make it to the U.S. Roadtrip Jackpot Round. You’ll race against the clock and search through six U.S. cities on your way to hitting the jackpot! Compete against 20 eagle-eyed contestants and rack up achievement stamps in five different game modes in this seek-and-find adventure. Join us for this week’s episode of Discovery!

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Game Features

Released date 29 July 2008
Publisher(s) Mumbojumbo
Mode(s) Single player

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