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Buy  Dark Fall 2: Lights Out

  • Adventure
  • Point-and-click
  • Puzzle
Released on 24 August 2004

60 Passable

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Three men once manned the lighthouse on Fetch Rock, but they vanished without trace on New Year, 1900. No-one knows what really happened to those three poor souls, and no-one is brave enough to stay in the lighthouse, alone, after dark. Except you...travel to Fetch Rock Island, and discover what really happened... ‘Fetch’ is the old English word for ‘ghost’; The old lighthouse is built upon something ancient and terrible, causing manifestations, time distortions and unexplainable paranormal events. Only by jumping through time, from the ancient Bronze Age to a futuristic research base, will you be able to uncover what is really happening on fetch Rock. Was your arrival upon the Island, that foggy night, really coincidence, or is someone, or something calling to you, across time.

Game Features

Developer(s) Darkling room
Released date 24 August 2004
Publisher(s) Nordic games publishing
Mode(s) Single player
Theme(s) Horror

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