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Buy  Chernobylite

  • Adventure
  • Indie
  • Role-playing (RPG)
  • Simulator
Released on 2025

April 26th, 1:23 AM Ukrainian time, 1986. The day when Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe happened and the life of 350,000 people changed forever. At the time you were just a young, passionate, naive physicist working at the facility. And like many, you’ve lost what was most dear to you – your girlfriend. 30 years later you’re still struggling with the demons of the past. So to finally put them to rest, you are getting back to what’s now called the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

60 Passable

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Chernobylite is a new game from the creators of the critically-acclaimed Get Even. It's a science-fiction survival horror experience, mixing the free exploration of its disturbing world with challenging combat, unique crafting, and non-linear storytelling. Play as a physicist, one of the Chernobyl Power Plant’s ex-employees, and investigate the mysterious disappearance of your beloved. Try to survive and reveal the contamination zone’s twisted secrets. Remember, the military presence is not your only concern. Get ready for a thrilling adventure of survival, conspiracy, horror, love, and obsession. One that will prove to you that it’s not about how you face your fears, it’s about how you survive them.

Game Features

Developer(s) The farm 51
Released date 2025
Publisher(s) The farm 51
Mode(s) Single player, multiplayer, co-operative

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