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Buy  Bound By Flame

  • Adventure
  • Role-playing (RPG)
Released on 06 May 2014

A victim of a demonic influence will have to choose between the evil powers offered or rejecting them in favor of developing heroic talents. Dangers and enemies will become more fearsome in battle throughout, increasing the temptations to acquire more power by giving up part of the hero's soul to the demon while progression of the demonic influence will be reflected by the transformation of the hero's body. The game features three endings, depending which choices the player made during the game. In the finale the player's actions determines which ending will play out: the sacrifice ending (involves the player rejecting the demon's powers and killing themselves), demon ending (the player becomes a full demon thus destroying the world of Vertiel) and the king ending (the player exterminates the demon and becomes the ruler of Vertiel).

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Bound by Flame lets the players customize their character. During the creation of their hero, players will be able choose their gender and freely alter their facial characteristics. This will of course have an influence on the demon's appearance. Through its different chapters, Bound by Flame will offer many quests around a primary adventure. Depending on the choices made by the player and the influence of the demon, some chapters will offer different scenarios and a different experience. Bound by Flame also includes a crafting system, allowing them to create and improve equipment, including their armor and weapons. Several companions will join the player during his quest, and will, depending on the player's actions, develop friendship, romance or rivalry. Also, using the crafting, you can customize your weapons and armour with more depth than most other games. for example, you can change the blade and hilt of your sword separately, which not only changes its appearance, but will also change its attributes e.g., + 4 crit, + 3 speed. When fighting enemies, you can use three different fighting styles: one uses slow, heavy, damaging strikes with weapons like axes and hammers, and a push/ kick ability to interrupt enemies or break their defences; another uses small weapons like daggers for quick strikes, and gives you a dodge ability to evade enemy attacks. The third style uses fire attacks for big damage, and can be combined with the other two fighting styles to do things like enhancing weapons with fire damage. Each of the three styles has its own skill tree with both passive and active abilities. During combat, you can use other attacks aside from striking with your weapon, like a crossbow, traps, and abilities you've earned from the skill trees.

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Game Features

Developer(s) Spiders
Released date 06 May 2014
Publisher(s) Focus home interactive
Mode(s) Single player
Theme(s) Action, fantasy
Classification ESRB Mature 17+

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