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Buy  Beholder 2

  • Adventure
  • Indie
  • Simulator
Released on 22 October 2018

70 Good

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Every citizen of our great State dreams of working at the Prime Ministry! You are lucky, intern – your dream has come true! While you are at the bottom of the career ladder, that is more than many of your fellow citizens will ever achieve! Have you already decided what you're going to become? Will you become a diligent and responsible officer decorated by the Wise Leader himself? Or will you become a hardline careerist capable of destroying anyone who stands between you and the Prime Minister's seat? Or maybe you are just a whistle-blower? If so, who sent you? And why? Whatever the case, you are now part of the Ministry! From this moment on, no one beyond these walls has ascendance over you! You are free to shape your own future! So, what are you going to become?

Game Features

Developer(s) Warm lamp games
Released date 22 October 2018
Publisher(s) Alawar entertainment, alawar premium
Mode(s) Single player
Theme(s) Stealth
Classification ESRB Mature 17+

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